Most frequently asked questions and answers

If you have any questions, they might have already been asked and answered here. If not, please feel free to contact me at my address below!

A drawing can take anywhere from 20–40 hours to complete, depending on how complex it is. These hours would be spread over a period of between 4–6 weeks (roughly). Once I start your drawing I will notify you and keep you updated on how long it might take.

Yes, there is a waiting list. Once you have paid the deposit amount you will be added to the list. Again, I will keep you updated as to how long it might be before I will start your drawing.

You can see the prices of the different sizes available for order on the shop page. If there’s something you want that’s not featured then please drop me a line. I’ll be happy to discuss any other requests you might have.

Yes, we can set up a monthly payment scheme for you, and once all the payments have been made I will start on your portrait.

The final payment is made prior to me starting your portrait.

I work from a photograph of your pet and reproduce that faithfully. I am unable to create a different pose for your pet than what you provide me in a photo. Photos are key so it’s important that you take a good quality picture that you like. The more detail in the picture the better I can reproduce it.

The portrait will be provided with a mount, and framing can be provided as an extra. I work closely with a local framer who can offer a selection of beautiful frames at a reasonable cost. Contact me for more details.

No, my signature will be featured small and in a subtle position at the bottom of the artwork. The signatures you see running through the images in my portfolio pictures are there to avoid copyright infringement only.

Once my clients receive their portrait (or after it has been given if as a gift) I often add them to my website. If you would prefer this not to happen then please let me know.

For any inquiries please email